Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju


We would like to inform you that the Special Hospital for Rehabilitation, due to the worsened epidemiological situations, will NOT accept new guests in the institution until further notice. 
More detailed information will be available soon. We apologize to everyone for the new situations.
Presentation of the tourist potentials of Medvedja and Sijarinska Banja in the show "Sharenica"
Presentation of the tourist potentials of Medvedja and Sijarinska Banja in the show "Sharenica"

SBR "Geyser" in cooperation with the tourist organization of Medvedja, Cultural Center of Medvedja, KUD "Razigrano kolo" with the support of the local self-government, brilliantly presented all the tourist potentials of our municipality and showed what Medvedja and Sijarinska Banja have at their disposal ...

SBR "Geyser" at the tourism fair in Novi Sad
SBR "Geyser" at the tourism fair in Novi Sad

SBR "Geyser", Sijarinska Banja, in cooperation with the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Medvedja, participated in this year's tourism fair in Novi Sad, which was held from October 2 to 5, 2019. years.

New Year's Eve in the restaurant "Geyser"
New Year's Eve in the restaurant "Geyser"

As in previous years, SBR "Geyser", SIjarinska Banja organizes the traditional New Year's Eve. This year, all our guests will be entertained by the "Better Life" band from Nis, which has many years of experience in organizing such parties throughout our country.

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